Guayakí in 2021
CEo letter
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Facilities Initiative
Guayaki office

Guayakí maintains 28 distribution warehouses, two offices, and processing facility and offices in Latin America that are powered by 38% renewable energy. Guayakí’s warehouse in Petaluma, California sources 100% renewable energy through its local utility provider while our yerba mate processing facility in Turvo, Parana, Brazil sources 82% renewable energy from regional hydroelectric and renewables. Further, Guayakí’s headquarter office in Sebastopol, Sonoma County California has a 60kW solar array that supplied 91 MWh of renewable energy in 2021.

For our other facilities, in 2021 Guayakí conducted a deep review of our distribution operations and facilities, which helped us to develop a Sustainable Facilities Initiative to start bringing our third-party owned distribution warehouses to standards in line with Guayakí’s headquarter operations in California. This will include establishing zero waste programs, sourcing more renewable energy resources and implementing energy upgrades such as LED lighting that saves energy and utility costs among other improvements.