Guayakí engaged in a 3rd party audit of our 2021 GHG emissions, which validated total supply chain emissions at 33,660 tCO2e. 10% of emissions came from Scope 1 and 2 and 90% came from Scope 3 in our global supply chain. Armed with this knowledge, we have begun to set goals to help address and reduce these emissions depending on the source of such emissions.
Given the scale of Scope 3 emissions in particular, we recognize the need for stakeholder engagement, corporate collaboration on campaigns, and climate advocacy as critical to any net zero strategy. Guayakí is further engaging with key stakeholders on climate issues through membership in associations and sponsorship of nonprofits, including the Climate Collaborative, The Climate Center, OSC2 Packaging Collaborative, and the B Corp Climate Collective.
- Scope 1: 3,020 tC02e / 9%
Direct Emissions occurring from sources owned or controlled by Guayakí - fuel for fleets and facilities' natural gas, and stationary combustion of biomass. - Scope 2: 430 tC02e / 1%
Indirect Emissions from electricity for Guayakí owned or controlled facilities and EV fleet. - Scope 3: 30,210 tC02e / 90%
Indirect Emissions from sources not owned or controlled by Guayakí — ingredient, packaging, purchased goods & services, facilities waste, co-packaging energy and waste, transportation, leased storage, owned coolers in retail, employee commuting, business travel, use and disposal of products.
![Graph of Guayaki 2021 GHG Emissions](